Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We don't like to brag but....

...look at what we just completed. 

Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.
Yeah, that's right.  One week ago we were in an OR at CHOP having a our little nuisance of a brain tumor removed, and yet here we are 7 days later putting together Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator.  It's only 479 pieces.  Piece of cake.

Seven days out and life is good.  Scar is healing great.  Vision and balance is 100%.  We had a stimulating discussion about Charles Darwin and Anaïs Nin at breakfast this morning.  This isn't a joke either.  Apparently a cartoon Ethan watches has a character named Anaïs (the empowered little sister) and Darwin (a fish).    A gentleman dining alone overheard our discussion and approached our table on his way out to tell me how impressed he was with my 8 year old's vocabulary.  I was so proud.  :)

It is just unbelievable that a child could endure what Ethan did and rebound from it so quickly.   It's only been a week and it feels like the whole thing was just a bad dream.  I couldn't possibly be any happier. 

So look out Millennium Falcon....  cause you're next.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

That's all Folks!

17 sutures.  His own Voldemort scar.

So let's just start out by saying Ethan's surgery Wednesday could not have been any more of a success.  We can finally breathe again. 

We took him into CHOP at 7:45 Wednesday morning and they ended up wheeling him out to the OR around 10:20.  That was probably the worst thing I have ever had to endure in this lifetime.  It was what I dreaded the most heading into the surgery.  The actual "Goodbye, Ethan.  I'll see you soon".  We were then told that the OR had been booked for a 4 hour window and that updates would be provided every hour by a nurse who makes the rounds through each of the OR's for the purpose of keeping concerned parents in the loop. 

So after a good cry and a bit of regrouping, Adam and I headed off to the cafeteria to meet my mom, Adam's mother Mary, his father Joe and step-mother Jacque.  We killed about an hour and then headed back upstairs.  Within minutes, Linda the OR nurse came out to give us our first update.  She informed us that the surgery got under way about 11:20.  That Ethan tolerated "being put under" well and that the surgery had begun. We were relieved by this news.  I knew he would be in good hands.  His anesthesiologist was a really chanrming and down to earth middle aged woman who looked to be about 7 months pregnant.  I felt that a physician carrying a child would be that much more inclined to see my child successfully through a procedure such as this. 

Cool as a cucumber.
And hour later (about 12:45 p.m.) nurse Linda returned and  began by saying... "you didn't hear this from me, but the tumor is out."  Apparently Dr. Sutton chooses not to provide too much detail concerning his progress during surgeries.  She told us they would be closing Ethan up and would begin the process of bringing him back around over the course of an hour.  She informed us to stay put because Dr. Sutton would only seek us out in the surgical waiting room ONCE.  If we were to miss him, well then we would be shit out of luck (for lack of a better term).  Linda told us Dr. Sutton was unlike most surgeons who exit the waiting room immediately after their "part" is done.  She said he chooses to instead watch how his patients come up out of the anesthesia.  She said he pulls his little stool over right next to the patient and watches them like a hawk, as he looks for any suspicious behavior which might have indicated any neurological problems.  And so, about 1:30 Dr. Sutton entered the waiting room.  I cannot tell you how much I love this man.  No matter what anyone could ever say about his demeanor or bedside manner...  I feel a connection to him.  I believe our paths were indeed meant to cross.  He said the surgery went well.  that he achieved a full resection of the mass, minus the diffuse cells which had spread into the inferior peduncle.  He felt that attempting to remove them would have done Ethan more harm than good.  He said Ethan had come out of the anesthesia with very good strength in both of his arms and legs with no sign of any tremor or deficit.  He felt that it was unlikely he would develop hydrocephalus because the tumor was so small and was far enough away from any of the ventricles in his brain. Dr. Sutton informed us that we would be seen by the Oncology team at CHOP but he suspected that they would not be recommending chemotherapy and would choose to monitor any potential growth with MRI's every 3 months.  He also shared with us the preliminary path report which indicated that this was a low grade atrocytoma, much like he had expected.  He took the time to answer all of our questions... and then he left.  And that is the last time hopefully we will ever see Dr. Sutton.  After the tumor is out, he is off the case and Ethan's follow-up care will now be in the hands of the Oncology team.  It makes you sort of pause.  Just 4 hours of this man's time, just 4 hours of interacting with our unconscious son may go on to be the four most important hours of Ethan's life.  He came in, he helped to improve our son's life...and then he just moved on.   I wanted to throw my arms around this man. But I knew that was something that you just don't do with Dr. Sutton.  I fought back the tears, and a couple ended up streaming down my face.  He looked at me and said, "I know you struggled with this decision, but you did the right thing." and then he walked off.  I will always hold that man in the highest regard everyday for the rest of my life.  No matter how surly or distant or misunderstood he may be...  he is definitely my hero.

So Ethan was up in the ICU no more than a half hour later and he was combative and confused and very scared.  But over the two days which followed, he started to turn the corner.  The nurses in this hospital have to be the strongest women and men on the planet.  To give of themselves every day to some of the sickest children in the country has got to be very trying and let me tell you...  they are a gifted GIFTED bunch.    We are so appreciative of the attention and concern they afforded our son.  They readily accommodated any request we had, they answered all of our questions and they tried to ease our anxiety over watching our son struggle through the worst pain he has possibly ever been in.  We owe them a debt of gratitude.
Pilocytic Astrocytoma (Microscopic)
Yesterday we were moved off of the unit to the 3rd floor.  The oncology unit.  I walked these hallways thinking to myself....  god, are we fortunate.  Babies, toddlers, children that were Ethan's age and teens...all suffering from various cancers.  Beautiful bald angels.  It's gut wrenching to see.  Which made me all the more anxious as our meeting with oncology approached yesterday.  Late in the afternoon the final pathology report on Ethan's tumor was in.  Oncology called a meeting with Adam and I along with extending the offer to our parents.  We met in a small conference room with Dr. Michael Fisher who will be Ethan's oncology doctor.  We shut the door, and he handed down the news.  THE VERY GOOD NEWS. 

Ethan's tumor is a Pilocytic Astrocytoma.  It is a Grade 1 tumor.  First, Dr. Fisher indicated that based upon an MRI completed the day after surgery, they felt confident that Dr. Sutton had achieved a Gross Total Resection of the mass.  However, it was a near total resection when you account for the diffuse margins of tumor cells left behind in the peduncle.  But according to the MRI, the mass was completely gone with no signs of tumor showing up on the post-op MRI.  Dr. Fisher went on to explain that Pilocytic Astrocytomas rarely, if ever spread or metastasize in other areas of the brain or central nervous system.  Because of this, Ethan will not require MRI's of the spine or brain stem.  Dr. Fisher said that they rarely if ever change from a Grade 1 tumor to a higher grade.  If Ethan had been diagnosed with a grade 2, these very often turn into aggressive Grade 3-4 tumors later on in a child's life.  While Ethan's tumor COULD regrow, if it did, it would most likely arise in the same section of the brain where this initial tumor arose.  But Dr. Fisher indicated that there is know knowing if Ethan's tumor was actually growing at all when we found it.  He said there are 80 year olds who have lived their entire lives with Grade 1 astrocytomas and never had knowledge that a tumor was there.  So, because this tumor is not what we would consider life threatening, it was Dr. Fisher's recommendation that we follow the tumor with MRI's completed at 3-month intervals for the first year, then 6 month intervals the second year and then we will move to yearly scans... after which, if there is no growth and no data to go on... then we can consider this a success.  Dr. Fisher said he believes that Ethan's prognosis is really good.  This was a small tumor that was almost fully resected.  Dr. Fisher believes that his chances for living a long and full life are very good. 

After the meeting, we were all elated and shed quite a few tears.  Now we begin the rehabilitation piece.  Ethan has ataxia (unsteady gait) and walks as if he has just knocked back about 5 dirty martini's.  He has had a bit of double vision.  He's nauseous and in a significant amount of pain.  But this should pass in a few weeks.  This morning I awoke to find him assembling a LEGO's Star Wars kit in his bed while I had been sleeping.   Less than 36 hours after major brain surgery, the kid can still put a model together.  Not too shabby.  We are so proud of Ethan.  His courage, his resilience, his determination just amazes us.  We are very fortunate that we found this tumor when we did.  We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful team of physicians.  And we are SO fortunate to have so many wonderful friends and family who have helped us during this process.  We appreciate every single prayer our son has received from those that we know and those who are simply concerned strangers.  We are moved by the fact that our son and his well being has netted us the goodwill and support of those both near and far.  Our old friend, our new friends and even the friends of our friends who became aware of Ethan's diagnosis.  We thank you all from the very bottom of our hearts.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ethan James Brandt
 It has been 55 days since we learned  about Ethan's tumor.  Some of these days have been great.  Others, well...not so great.  I've been both optimistic and pessimistic.  I've been both strong and weak.  I've been courageous and absolutely terrified.  And I've been able to swing between these two  extremes sometimes in a matter of only minutes.

So it should come as no surprise that while I feel ready for tomorrow, I'm also ready to throw Ethan in the car and drive to South America.  Right now. 

Tomorrow is the surgery.  I am trying my hardest to keep myself together.  I'm losing the battle.  But I have to say that I am so appreciative of all of the kind words and the prayers and the warm sentiments we have received from our friends and family.  It makes me fully realize how special Ethan is and how loved he is by all who have the good fortune of knowing him. 

While Adam and I are prepared for whatever news we might receive tomorrow, what we hope (above all) is to get the same little boy back tomorrow afternoon.  That kind, sensitive, thoughtful, agreeable,  generous, caring, affable, and smiling little boy. 

Best friends.
I took Ethan to the dog park a few weeks back and after he grew tired of the  park, he took off for the playground.  I watched him as he went.  He's 8 years old and he still skips when he runs.  Ethan is a wonderful little spirit, who has always managed to see the good that exists in this world.  He whistles and sings to himself in the shower.  He loves his dog and he so easily makes friends.  And he has and will always be the best big brother in the world.  He'll tell you that Emerson drives him crazy, but for those that know them both, you know they truly are the best of friends.  He is and has always been so full of joy.

 Come what may, I know that we can handle any adversity that comes our way. But what I cannot handle is not getting MY Ethan back.  My unique and clever little boy.  I need him back so that we can continue talk about things like the periodic table, and the Titanic, and outer space, and all of those completely random things that he's interested in; those things which set him apart from any other kid his age.   Thank you lord for giving me a child less interested in wrestling and one more interested in the world in general.  Thank you for giving me this little boy who will watch a documentary with me, and remember all of it.  Thank you for giving me this little boy who I know will grow up to fight for the less fortunate, and might one day leave this earth a better place than he found it.  You didn't let me down.  You gave to me a son...a loving son. A devoted son.  A funny little sprite, who lacks a single attribute that I would ever desire to change. Perhaps with the exception of this tumor.

But we're going to take care of that tomorrow.

Happy happy little boy.
 There really is no worse reality to have to face as a parent.  I'd be angry at the world probably... but I could deal with cancer, I could deal with chemo and I will deal with radiation if that is what becomes of this.  I just can't fathom the idea of MY Ethan being replaced by a different Ethan tomorrow.  It's petrifying to to think, will his smile be the same?  Will his laugh be the same? Will he still be able to play with his Lego's?  Will he still skip along with that same zeal for life?

I sure do hope so. 

So, please pray for Ethan. Or think happy thoughts about him.. Or meditate and send a positive energy out into the universe for him. Whichever belief system you rely upon when your mind is burdened...  please, whatever you do, just keep him in your thoughts.

I will send an update tomorrow when he is out of surgery.

Friday, April 6, 2012

In the Chute

Smooth seas make poor sailors.

Well, it's been a few weeks...  I've had a cracked LCD screen in my laptop for some time and figured I'd hand it over to Best Buy's Geek Squad over my Spring Break for repair.  It's been nearly two weeks and she's finally come back home this morning.  Just in time I suppose. 

So, over these two weeks Ethan and I snuck off to Florida and had an absolutely wonderful respite with My Aunt Linda and Uncle Bill (and Jackson too!).  I picked him up from school the Thursday left, and that was the reaction that I SHOULD have recorded.  Eyes big at saucers to see me standing there.  So we headed off to Dick's and picked up a new Phillie's cap for our trip, then headed over to Game Stop for a few used DS games.  It was great listening to him try to piece it together as to where we were going.   But in any event, I was able to keep it under wraps all the way up to the doorstep of the Atlantic City airport.  If you missed his reaction on Facebook, here is the link:

Ethan and "Swampy"

We had nearly a three hour delay, but arrived safe and sound a little after 8 p.m. that Thursday night.   We grabbed a bite at the ol' Cracker Barrel and by the time we got home we were both ready for bed.  On Friday we took a pirate cruise off the coast of Ft. Myers.  Ethan really enjoyed himself and quickly made friends with some of the other kids on the boat.  Friday night was our Florida Everblades hockey game.  He was able to clean the ice as promised and thought the hockey game was just great.  We had had seats right on the glass next to the penalty box and Linda and Bill's friend (the announcer for the Everblades) was able to get his hands on the game puck for Ethan.  Saturday included out trip to the Florida Air Show.   It started off a bit rocky... Ethan was kind of alarmed by an F-18 performance.  Can't say I blame him.  It really can be a bit overwhelming how loud a jet engine can be.  But he was able to regroup and enjoyed the rest of his day.  He rode along a zip line they had as a static display for kids and enjoyed the acrobatic performances throughout the day.  And YES, the Blue Angels were impressive as always.  Mission Accomplished.  He loved it and is talking about where we might be able to catch another performance before the end of their season.  On Sunday we awoke to a line of storms moving through Ft. Myers and thought our deep sea fishing plans might be thwarted.  But we persevered.  Bill, Ethan and I threw caution to the wind (10-20 m.p.h. with 2-3 ft seas) and went anyway.  The rain moved out, but the fishing was a bit lackluster.  But we still caught enough for Ethan to consider it a success.   It was a fun-filled weekend, but exhausting even for an 8 year old.  So kudos to to Linda and Bill for being such great sports and a huge thank you to them both for their tremendous generosity and hospitality. 

Our lovely accomodations!

Since returning home, a lot has happened.  We were able to secure a second opinion on the surgery from the Dana Farber Cancer Center in Boston.  Dana Farber and CHOP share the top spot for Children's Hospitals in the US for 2011-2012.  Dana Farber is #1 for Neurosurgery/Oncology and CHOP is #2.  But cumulatively they both ranked #1 this year.  Dana Farber received Ethan's films and reviewed his case for free.  The results of this review created some uncertainty as it was their recommendation that we could afford to hold off on the surgery for the time being.  They felt we would be fine with MRI's conducted at 3 month intervals.  They felt that it boiled down to the risks of surgery vs. the risk of doing nothing.  However, they did indicate that if there was any change to the tumor on any subsequent MRI's, that they would then recommend a surgical intervention.

As much as Adam and I would like to believe that Ethan has a tumor which might never grow or change going forward, we feel this the chances of this happening are slim.  So, as a result, we have elected to stay the course and the surgery will occur as scheduled on April 11th.  On Wednesday I donated my blood and yesterday we had our pre-admission consultation.  They also asked us to take part in two research studies.  One is to assess adequate pain management in children undergoing a craniotomy and the other is a genetic study related to commons childhood disorders.  It's a teaching hospital and we thought we'd like to help in any way possible to chart a course for any kids who might one day find themselves under similar circumstances.

Lots of cool things to see at the Florida International Airshow

So, we are in the chute now.  On Wednesday, Adam and I will be with Ethan in CHOP's PACU prior to the surgery.  They will give him liquid Versed prior to the surgery to lessen his anxiety.  They call it the "laughing juice".  We will be able to remain with him right up until they take him into the OR.  They will take him back and will give him Nitrous Oxide to knock him out.  This is a relief.  He'll get the IV without ever knowing it.  The surgery will take 3-4 hours and they will update us sporadically on how the surgery is progressing.  They will then bring him around while in the OR.  As soon as he is awake, we will be reunited with him.  From there we will go straight to the Pediatric ICU, where he will remain for the entire 5 days.  They feel it is best for children who have this surgery to have the individualized attention of one nurse.  We believe he will be in a room by himself.  Either Adam or I will be able to spend the night with him each night.  Parents can visit 24 hrs. a day.  For those of you who would like to visit Ethan during his hospitalization, he can have guests between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. each day.   I would suggest that we keep his visits to a minimum on Wednesday and on Thursday I would suggest that you contact Adam or I before coming to the hospital - for no other reason than to maybe save yourself the trip if he really isn't feeling up to it.  At this point we have no idea of what to expect post-op.  He can have 2 guests at a time while in the ICU, and please if you are feeling under the weather or have a cold....then we would encourage you to maybe stop by for a visit after we have been discharged from CHOP.  Oh... and if you were going to bring a balloon, no latex ones. Only Mylar. :)

So that's the latest.  I'm feeling pretty optimistic overall. 

Plum tuckered after our trip.

As an aside, my commencement dinner is Saturday night at Albright. I will also be inducted that night into the Alpha Sigma Lambda fraternity for my academic achievements.  I didn't know whether or not to attend, but decided that there are going to be enough family and friends to hold down the fort for one night.  I received a letter in the mail last week indicating that I had been selected by the head of the Business Administration and the Business Administration faculty to speak on behalf of all of the 2012 Business Administration graduates.  They wanted to know if I would accept their offer.  I'm flattered and really proud of the accomplishment but I wonder if I'll be emotionally capable of pulling it off.  I haven't written a single word....  so that is what is on my docket for the rest of the day.  I'd have to say though it's served as a wonderful distraction this past week.  I've made my peace with the surgery and I know it will be a complete success.  The speech, maybe less of a success but certainly something to take my mind off of things albeit temporarily.