We were looking at the bags
Wondering if any of the colors
Matched any of the names we knew on the tags.
You said "see look that's yours!
Stacked on top with your brothers
See how they resemble on another
Even in their plastic little covers"
About 3 months ago I heard this folk band Bon Iver sing for the first time. It was a song called "Blood Bank." I instantly loved it and have been listening to it on a loop ever since. Bon Iver, as you may know by now, was awarded the Grammy this year for Best New Artist. So you should really listen on YouTube or buy this song on iTunes. Go. Go now. Do yourself a favor.
In any event, this song that I loved so much kind of took on a new meaning today when I opened the mail.
I received my card for Ethan's "Directed Donation". Never thought I'd see my son's name and "transfusion date" next to each other.
This was a rough week. To label it a roller coaster is a bit cliche', but appropriate. Some days you kind of forget what your up against, if but temporarily. And then you get your blood bank ticket in the mail.
On a brighter note, we are off to Florida tomorrow. I (somehow) have managed to keep this a surprise. You go through life with so few genuine surprises. The best surprise I have had so far in this life, without a doubt, was when I first heard the words "It's a boy." I hope to catch Ethan's surprise on video when I break the news to him. I hope it will always serve, for the rest of his LONG LIFE, as one of his first genuine and cherished surprises.
I cannot tell you how happy I am to be taking this trip with my son.
He's gonna be very surprised & very happy. Have a great time!